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flowmeter vortex

Most Trustworthy Solution to Measure Flow of Fluids

The movement of fluids is a crucial activity for the efficient operation and safety in many sectors. The right choice of measurement technology for fluid flow can have a significant impact on several stages in production. Among the options, a vortex flowmeter is one of the most accurate and proper technologies for measuring fluid mass or volumetric velocity. In this blog, we will go further into why it is thought of as one of the best technology for their purpose and benefits in industrial applications.

How a VFM Works in General

The Karman vortex street, in short - when a fluid flows past an obstruction alternating vortices are created (source: Wikipedia) A Vortex flowmeter way of measurin How does it work? The vortex flowmeter introduces turbulence with a shedder bar placed in the swirling fluid stream, causing it to generate frequency output proportional to its flow rate. The electronics convert this signal rape into a flow rate measurement. The reliability of this measurement is assured by the stable and repeatable nature of a Karman vortex street. The rate of vortex shedding will be directly related to the flow velocity and so as this speed increases, higher frequency. This unique ability allows the vortex flowmeter to measure flow rates from low to high, with outstanding precision and sensitivity.

Benefits of Vortex Flowmeter Technology for Industrial Processes

Vortex flowmeter technology boasts a myriad of advantages over other types of flowmeters, One of its primary advantages is the impressive accuracy it provides with an industry standard precision level <+/- 0.75% for reading not many are able to match. Furthermore, because the sensor itself does not make contact with the fluid being measured (fluid only comes into indirect proximity to it through conduction) vortex flowmeters can monitor highly corrosive or abrasive materials and still provide a high level of accuracy. Vortex flowmeters have another big advantage that is, they require less maintenance. These flowmeters offer minimal moving parts and require less frequent calibration or inspection, reducing related downtime costs. In addition to this, the digital output signal from vortex flowmeters is compatible with programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and other control systems for automation processing.

Why choose WEIBAO flowmeter vortex?

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