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liquid flowmeter

The liquid flowmeters are very useful devices which play the most significant role in measuring and monitoring the flowing of liquids various industries examples include industrial, commercial purposes scientific fields. These are key to efficient and safe operation in multiple sectors including: chemical & petrochemical production, water treatment, food &beverage manufacture.

You have to think about which category your water flowmeter suitable for and this matter really depend on the accuracy requirement of you application. The percentage of actual value is typically the accuracy for a flowmeter. The accuracy of the instruments varies, such as electromagnetic flowmeters have a high degree of accuracies and others perform to much lower level also like turbines.

Understanding the Fluid Characteristics

Liquid Characteristics: Also being part of the equation is understanding the specific fluid that you are measuring. Viscosity, temperature, pressure and the chemical composition of liquid are all factors that can impact directly upon the accuracy of a flow measurement. For example, some meters (such as gear flowmeters) may be well suited for measuring high-viscosity liquids while others are used only in low viscous materials like ultrasonic flowmeter.

Flow Rate Application: One needed variable when selecting a flow meter is the desired range of flows for your application. Flowmeters of different types are manufactured in such a way they can measure any flow rate. For example, a vortex flowmeter may be good for measuring low to medium-level flows and positive displacement (PD) flowmeters might work well with lower-higher levels of the high level.

Why choose WEIBAO liquid flowmeter?

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